Here are some quick tips!
Add a small bouquet of fresh flowers or greens. It can be as simple as one pretty flower in a small vase, or just a small plant brings life to a space.
Change your lighting. This can be as simple as changing out your light bulb to give a softer and warmer glow to your space. If you space seems too dark, add a floor lamp or table lamp. There are so many great shops now that carry fun and inexpensive lighting.
Add a new pillow to a chair, sofa, or bed. One fun and bright pillow can do the trick.
For your office, purchase one fun item for your desk. It could be a new small container for paperclips, a fun colored stacking file, or even a new mouse pad. One of my favorites is the BAGUETTE KEYBOARD WRIST CUSHION from Urban Outfitters.
Some of my favorite sites for home and office accessories are:
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